Supplying 160 million litres of clean water daily to over 750,000 people, SES Water serves parts of Surrey, Kent, and south London. Managing over 2,000 miles of water mains supported by eight treatment works, 23 pumping stations, and 31 operational service reservoirs and water towers.
About SES Water


Threats Prevented Yearly
SES Water, a drinking water company serving over 750,000 people in Surrey, Kent, and South London, faced a significant operational shift when the pandemic hit. With a workforce of 400 moving to blended working models, the company needed to protect its employees online as they worked outside the traditional office security perimeter.
Seeking a scalable security solution, SES Water embarked on a journey to enhance its cybersecurity posture. By partnering with iboss, they addressed immediate security challenges and laid the groundwork for a comprehensive zero trust model to support their future growth and digital transformation.
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The Challenge:
The sudden shift to remote and blended working models exposed SES Water to new cybersecurity risks. Their existing security infrastructure wasn’t designed to protect a distributed workforce, leaving them vulnerable to malicious attacks, phishing campaigns, and other cyber threats.
As their digital footprint expanded, SES Water realized that their initial security measures were insufficient. They needed a solution that could uphold their security standards from the moment users logged onto the network, regardless of their location. Additionally, they sought a way to monitor and support the well-being of their employees during challenging times.
Understanding that moving to a zero trust model was essential, SES Water created a roadmap to transition their security strategy. They required a partner who could provide advanced security capabilities, align with their goals, and offer cost-effective solutions.
The Solution:
After evaluating several leading companies in the zero trust space, SES Water chose iboss as their security partner. The iboss SASE platform provided a cloud-based secure web gateway that seamlessly managed web filtering and protected their remote workforce. With iboss’s web proxy, they could block malicious domains, images, regions, and specific words, ensuring comprehensive security coverage.
The iboss solution was easy to implement and scalable, allowing SES Water to advance towards a complete zero trust model. Features like least privilege access, continuous authentication, and integration with existing systems empowered them to protect their data and applications effectively. Moreover, iboss offered unique capabilities to monitor employee well-being by flagging concerning web activity, enabling proactive support for their staff.
The Results
With iboss, SES Water significantly enhanced their cybersecurity posture. They are now blocking millions of threats annually, reducing the risk of data loss and productivity disruptions. The simple rollout of the iboss proxy resulted in an easy-to-use, powerful filter against viruses, malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks.
Beyond technical security improvements, SES Water benefited from the strong partnership with iboss. The solution’s ability to monitor and support employee mental health added substantial value. As they continue to implement their zero trust roadmap, SES Water operates with confidence, knowing they have effective processes in place to protect their staff and the data they hold.
- Enhanced security by blocking millions of threats annually with iboss’s cloud-based web proxy
- Seamless transition to a zero trust model, improving overall security posture
- Easy implementation of advanced web filtering, protecting remote and blended workforce
- Proactive employee support through monitoring and flagging of concerning web activity
- Cost-effective solution providing required capabilities at a fraction of competitors’ prices
- Strengthened partnership with iboss, ensuring ongoing support and alignment with future goals