Webinar: Carlsbad Unified School District’s Chromebook Journey

District Exchange Webinar: Carlsbad Unified School District’s Chromebook Journey
Watch the on-demand version here! Join iboss, Project Tomorrow, and Carlsbad Unified School District to learn the process of the Carlsbad USD distance learning journey during COVID-19.
When the coronavirus arrived, it brought the world to a screeching halt. Thousands of districts across the country were forced to educate from home whether they were ready or not. Carlsbad Unified School District in Southern California, was no different. They were recently featured on NBC 7 San Diego news to discuss their experience of implementing distance learning.
The District Exchange is a webinar series that has been closely following the coronavirus and how it has transformed everyday learning. Join iboss and Project Tomorrow as they engage with districts across the country in this monthly series. Below are the topics that will be featured in this month’s edition of the District Exchange:
- How Carlsbad USD’s past focus on migrating services to the cloud has made Covid19 operations easier
- How important establishing clear channels of communication is in Covid19 operations, especially since informal communications have effectively been eliminated
- How we established communication systems for distributing Chromebooks and Hotspots to staff and families
- What can we take away from this experience (administrators and teachers) and incorporate/adopt/modify to improve educational outcomes during regular operations?