The iboss Zero Trust Secure Access Service Edge is constantly monitoring interactions between users, assets and resources. Whenever an interaction occurs, the iboss platform automatically catalogs and documents the interaction. This can be leveraged to discover what resources exist within the enterprise and what is being accessed by users and devices. By providing automatic resource discovery, an organization can bring to light shadow IT and risky applications so that security policies can be created for protection.

Automatically identifies and catalogs applications and services being accessed
The iboss Zero Trust Secure Access Service Edge automatically lists and catalogs applications and services as they are accessed by users. The reporting dashboards contain volume of data as well as top destinations for that resource. The discovery of resources is continuous is generated from accesses to on-prem, cloud and SaaS applications.

Easily identify top users interacting with discovered resources
The iboss Zero Trust Secure Access Service Edge provides a full list of users and displays the resources that user is interacting with. The resources are sorted by transfer volume and hit count. This provides the ability to determine which users are the most active and potentially drive the most risk.

The iboss Zero Trust Secure Service Edge provides a full list of users and displays the resources that user is interacting with. The resources are sorted by transfer volume and hit count. This provides the ability to determine which users are the most active and potentially drive the most risk.

Organizes discovered resources organized by type and traffic volume
The iboss Zero Trust Secure Access Service Edge organizes resources by type and category. It displays the volume of transfers to the discovered resources to get a better perspective of user interactions with cloud and SaaS services and applications. These reporting dashboards are captured daily or can be generated for weekly, monthly or other lengths of time.